Monday 4 May 2015

What Happens If You Pour Molten Aluminium Into A Watermelon

Youtuber Backyard Scientist conducted
an interesting experiment recently, one
which produced unexpected results. In
other words, it was the best kind of
experiment a scientist can hope for.

He just wanted to see what would
happen to a watermelon when molten
Aluminium was poured into it. He
anticipated that it would explode,
which is why he wore welding gear,
complete with an apron, gloves and a
welding helmet.

But what happened
completely shocked him.
The experiment was simple, he punched
a hole in a watermelon and heated the
Aluminium in his propane fueled
foundry. When he poured the metal in
to the fruit, it didn’t explode, the
aluminium jumped out of the hole and
fell on the ground (which was lit on
This was a result of the aluminium
reacting with the water inside the fruit.

After that the coolest thing happened.
When the watermelon was cut open, it
turned out that the aluminium had crept
into it’s crevices and pockets of the
seed chambers and wrapped itself
around the seeds. It had formed a
whole sculpture of the inside of a
watermelon. It smelled horrible though.

Upon repeating the experiment, the
same thing happened and another,
larger sculpture formed.

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