Thursday, 30 April 2015

Delete An "undeletable" File

Delete An "undeletable" File

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.

Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on

Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change
to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is
located in.

At the command prompt type DEL where is the file you
wish to delete.

Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and
enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.

Close Task Manager.
Or you can try this
Open Notepad.exe
Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is
Choose 'All files' from the file type box
click once on the file u wanna delete so its name
appears in the 'filename' box
put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the
undeletable file so it will overwrite it)
click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose
yes and u can delete it as normal
Here's a manual way of doing it. I'll take this off once
you put into your first post zain.

1. Start
2. Run
3. Type: command
4. To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars
stand for your folder)

5. If you cannot access the folder because it has
spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder
you have to do the following. instead of typing in the
full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a
~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:

6. Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in
type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside.

7. Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt,
jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you
would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~
and a 1 rule.
Example: if your file name was bad
file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder
thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file
should be gone.
Make sure to type in the correct

How To Speed Up A Slow Computer

first off in the bottom right hand corner of your
computer if you see alot of icons start up there when
you first start your computer then this is for you if you
dont know already how to get rid of em.

Press your Start Button (bottom left) and go to "run"
now type in: msconfig

now you will get a box that pops up and will tell you
bunch of stuff dont mess with anything else other than
what I tell you otherwise you could do something really
bad (possible) go to your "startup" tab on the top
right of the screen where it usually is and click it.

Now you will have a closed in box with bunch of
filenames n addresses and more boxes with checks in
Now if your like me you dont want anything
startin up when you start you computer up or while
your even doing anything cause it slows you down.

Now unless your like me right now 1 have 1 thing
starting up when my computer starts up and thats my
settin for my overclocked vid card.
But other than that
uncheck every box and then hit apply and ok.
window you were jus in will now close and ask you if
you want to restart or wait till later to restart.

Either way when you shut it off and then turn it back
on the settins will kick in

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Artist Uses Smoke & Glass Bottles To Create Works Of Art

How To Clean Rusted Iron At Home

You must have a rusted iron at home
since you did not use it for a year or
so. However, somehow you needed it
now for ironing a piece of cloth but if
you are a clean freak, you could not
endure the rusty iron being pressed
against your precious clothes. Today,
we are going to tell you how to clean
your rusted iron in about 5 to 10
minutes using a simple home remedy.

This is what a rusted iron looks like.
Your iron may be dirtier or rusty than
this. Don’t worry this method will make
your iron brand new again.

Take a paper towel and dab it in
vinegar. Then rub the towel against the
iron and you will notice that the crud is
coming off. This method is great for
semi-dirty iron.

You will need an extra power of baking
soda to clean an iron which has more

Sprinkle baking soda on the paper
towel and iron it. As you iron the paper
towel, the rust and crud will come off
making the iron brand new again.
The baking soda may get stuck in the
holes. You can remove the baking soda
by putting the iron on steam setting.

The steam will get the baking soda out
of the holes, turn off the steam setting,
clean the iron and steam again. Repeat
the process until all the baking soda
has come out. You can also you tooth
pick to clean the holes which still has
some baking soda stuck in them.

Here you go. You have cleaned out your
iron and made it brand new in a few
minutes and no useless expenses were
required. Try out this method and tell
us how did it go for you?

Bollywood Actresses Who Smoke In Real Life

We have seen leading ladies in Bollywood films
smoke, and on the screen, it did look kind of cool but
what about the stars who smoke in real life? Yes,
there are some Bollywood actresses who not only
smoke in reel life but also in real life. Here’s the list
of Bollywood actresses who smoke in real life.

(Smoking is injurious to health and we are not
promoting cigarette smoking with this post.)

Radhika apte clip

Radhika Apte Clip!

Are you searching for Rahika Apte Clip, MMS???
Here it is!

Shame on you!

Nepal & India is fighting with earthquake,
& you're searching for these type of clips!
I'm so sorry,
But I have no words for peoples like you!!
& Remember don't ever publish or
share this type of posts!
Siddharth Soni is so unhappy on your visit!
We have many more posts,
You should really read!
visit Home Page!

Check LPG Gas Cylinder Expiry Date

अपने परिवार की सुरक्षा के लिए 2 मिनिट का
निकाल कर इसे अवश्य पढ़े...!!!

L.P.G.गैस सिलेण्डर की भी "एक्सपायरी डेट" होती

एक्सपायरी डेट निकलने के बाद गैस सिलेण्डर को
इस्तेमाल करना बम की तरह खरतनाक हो सकता है।
आमतौर पर गैस सिलेण्डर की रिफील लेते समय
उपभोक्ताओं का ध्यान इसके वजन और सील पर ही
होता है।

उन्हें सिलेण्डर की एक्सपायरी डेट की जानकारी
ही नहीं होती।

इसी का फायदा एलपीजी की आपूर्ति करने
वाली कंपनियां उठाती हैं और धड़ल्ले से एक्पायरी
डेट वाले सिलेण्डर रिफील कर हमारे घरों तक
पहुंचाती हैं।

यहीं कारण है कि गैस सिलेण्डरों से हादसे होते हैं।
~कैसे पता करें एक्सपायरी डेट~

सिलेण्डर के उपरी भाग पर उसे पकड़ने के लिए गोल
रिंग होती है और इसके नीचे तीन पट्टियों में से एक
पर काले रंग से सिलेण्डर की एक्सपायरी डेट अंकित
होती है। इसके तहत अंग्रेजी में A, B, C तथा D अक्षर
अंकित होते है तथा साथ में दो अंक लिखे होते हैं।

A अक्षर साल की पहली तिमाही (जनवरी से

B साल की दूसरी तिमाही (अप्रेल से जून),

C साल की तीसरी तिमाही (जुलाई से सितम्बर)

D साल की चौथी तिमाही अर्थात अक्टूबर से
दिसंबर को दर्शाते हैं।

इसके बाद लिखे हुए दो अंक एक्सपायरी वर्ष को
संकेत करते हैं।

यानि यदि सिलेण्डर पर A 11 लिखा हुआ हो तो
की एक्सपायरी मार्च 2011 है। इस सिलेण्डर का
"मार्च 2011" के बाद उपयोग करना खतरनाक होता

इस प्रकार के सिलेण्डर बम की तरह कभी भी फट
सकते हैं।

ऐसी स्थिति में उपभोक्ताओं को चाहिए कि वे इस
प्रकार के
एक्सपायर सिलेण्डरों को लेने से मना कर दें तथा
आपूर्तिकर्त्ता एजेंसी को इस बारे में सूचित करें !

(एक्शन फॉर सोशल एन्ड ह्यूमन एडवांसमेंट & द्वारा जनहित में जारी)

Note : कृप्या घरेलू सुरक्षा के मद्देनजर इस पोस्ट को
अधिक-अधिक शेयर करे !!

Heart attack precaution

महत्वपूर्ण समाचार
SHARE करे और सबको भेजे
ये याद रखिये की भारत मैं सबसे ज्यादा मौते
कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ने के कारण हार्ट अटैक से होती हैं।
आप खुद अपने ही घर मैं ऐसे बहुत से लोगो को जानते
होंगे जिनका वजन व कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ हे।
अमेरिका की कईं बड़ी बड़ी कंपनिया भारत मैं दिल
के रोगियों (heart patients) को अरबों की दवाई
बेच रही हैं !
लेकिन अगर आपको कोई तकलीफ हुई तो डॉक्टर
कहेगा angioplasty (एन्जीओप्लास्टी) करवाओ।
इस ऑपरेशन मे डॉक्टर दिल की नली में एक spring
डालते हैं जिसे stent कहते हैं।
यह stent अमेरिका में बनता है और इसका cost of
production सिर्फ 3 डॉलर (रू.150-180) है।
इसी stent को भारत मे लाकर 3-5 लाख रूपए मे बेचा
जाता है व आपको लूटा जाता है।
डॉक्टरों को लाखों रूपए का commission मिलता है
इसलिए व आपसे बार बार कहता है कि angioplasty
Cholestrol, BP ya heart attack आने की मुख्य वजह है,
Angioplasty ऑपरेशन।
यह कभी किसी का सफल नहीं होता।
क्यूँकी डॉक्टर, जो spring दिल की नली मे डालता
है वह बिलकुल pen की spring की तरह होती है।
कुछ ही महीनो में उस spring की दोनों साइडों पर
आगे व पीछे blockage (cholestrol व fat) जमा होना
शुरू हो जाता है।
इसके बाद फिर आता है दूसरा heart attack ( हार्ट
अटैक )
डॉक्टर कहता हें फिर से angioplasty करवाओ।
आपके लाखो रूपए लुटता है और आपकी जिंदगी इसी
में निकल जाती हैं।
अब पढ़िए
उसका आयुर्वेदिक इलाज
अदरक (ginger juice) -
यह खून को पतला करता है।
यह दर्द को प्राकृतिक तरीके से 90% तक कम करता
लहसुन (garlic juice)
इसमें मौजूद allicin तत्व cholesterol व BP को कम करता
वह हार्ट ब्लॉकेज को खोलता है।
नींबू (lemon juice)
इसमें मौजूद antioxidants, vitamin C व potassium खून
को साफ़ करते हैं।
ये रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता (immunity) बढ़ाते हैं।
एप्पल साइडर सिरका ( apple cider vinegar)
इसमें 90 प्रकार के तत्व हैं जो शरीर की सारी नसों
को खोलते है, पेट साफ़ करते हैं व थकान को मिटाते
इन देशी दवाओं को
इस तरह उपयोग में लेवें
1-एक कप नींबू का रस लें;
2-एक कप अदरक का रस लें;
3-एक कप लहसुन का रस लें;
4-एक कप एप्पल का सिरका लें;
चारों को मिला कर धीमीं आंच पर गरम करें जब 3
कप रह जाए तो उसे ठण्डा कर लें;
अब आप
उसमें 3 कप शहद मिला लें
रोज इस दवा के 3 चम्मच सुबह खाली पेट लें जिससे
सारी ब्लॉकेज खत्म हो जाएंगी।
आप सभी से हाथ जोड़ कर विनती है कि इस मैसेज
को ज्यादा से ज्यादा प्रसारित करें ताकि सभी
इस दवा से अपना इलाज कर सकें ; धन्यवाद् !
जरा सोचिये की शाम के
7:25 बजे है और आप घर जा रहे है वो भी एकदम अकेले।
ऐसे में अचानक से आपके सीने में तेज दर्द होता है जो
आपके हाथों से होता हुआ आपके
जबड़ो तक पहुँच जाता है।
आप अपने घर से सबसे नजदीक अस्पताल से 5 मील दूर है
और दुर्भाग्यवश आपको ये नहीं समझ आ रहा की आप
वहांतक पहुँच पाएंगे की नहीं।
आप सीपीआर में प्रशिक्षित है मगर वहां भी आपको
ये नहीं सिखाया गया की इसको खुद पर प्रयोग
कैसे करे।
ऐसे में दिल के दौरे से बचने
के लिए ये उपाय
चूँकि ज्यादातर लोग दिल के दौरे के वक्त अकेले होते
है बिना किसी की मदद के उन्हें सांस लेने में तकलीफ
होती है । वे बेहोश होने लगते है और उनके पास सिर्फ
10 सेकण्ड्स होते है ।
ऐसे हालत में पीड़ित जोर जोर से खांस कर खुद को
सामान्य रख सकता है। एक जोर की सांस
लेनी चाहिए हर खांसी से पहले
और खांसी इतनी तेज हो की
छाती से थूक निकले।
जब तक मदद न आये ये
प्रक्रिया दो सेकंड से दोहराई
जाए ताकि धड्कण सामान्य
हो जाए ।
जोर की साँसे फेफड़ो में
ऑक्सीजन पैदा करती है
और जोर की खांसी की वजह
से दिल सिकुड़ता है जिस से
रक्त सञ्चालन नियमित रूप से
चलता है ।
जहाँ तक ही सके इस सन्देश को हरेक तक पहुंचाए । एक
ह्रदय के डॉक्टर ने तो यहाँ तक कहाँ की अगर हर
व्यक्ति यह सन्देश 10 लोगो को भेजे तो एक जान
बचायी जा सकती है।
आप सबसे निवेदन है
चुटकले फोटो भेजने की बजाय
यह सन्देश सबको भेजे
ताकि लोगो की जान बच सके

Workout program

Most of today's bodybuilders, and indeed
athletes in general, know that protein is an
important nutritional component.
However, what many fail to realize is to
achieve to ones physical goals, protein is
required in greater amounts than previously
many quarters it is still thought that 70-80
grams per day is acceptable. This has been
proven to be erroneous. Protein is a
chemical compound essential to many of
our biological processes - most notably for
bodybuilders, the building of muscle. Protein
synthesis (the converting of amino acids to
proteins to repair and rebuild) can only
sufficiently occur if an adequate amount of
protein is consumed.

Given bodybuilders subject their muscles to
greater stresses than the average person, it
follows their diets should be comprised of a
higher percentage of protein. A good starting
point (one that has been know in
bodybuilding circle-numbers for some time)
is one gram of protein per pound of
bodyweight. More is better in my experience.
Many take in almost double this amount.
Eating plenty of protein is probably the
second most important variable, after
training intensity, when it comes to building
size. Foods rich in protein include eggs
(which contain the highest biological value
of any food protein), milk, chicken and red
meat . One should make an effort to
consume 30-40 grams of protein 5-7 times
per day. One reason for not gaining
sufficient size, is a lack of protein, and this
can often be attributed to the inconvenience
associated with correct meal timing and
planning: supplements will help in this

A good whey protein supplement (shown to
be the most effective) will supply around 30
grams of protein if mixed with milk. This can
be prepared and consumed in an instant.
Indeed, the importance of protein can not be
overstated. A typical days eating

This Is What One Drink Of Soda Does To Your Body

The world’s leading manufacturers of
soft drinks, Pepsi and Coca Cola are
among the biggest companies in the
world and it’s because the world
consumes millions of liters of ‘pop’ a
day. In the US, a person drinks 57
gallons of soft drinks a year. Now that
sounds like an addiction. And like any
addiction it’s bad for you. So let me
break it down for you.

As soon as you guzzle soda down, the
pancreas releases insulin (a hormone)
to digest the excessive sugar in the
soda and release it in to the
bloodstream. When sugar levels spike,
your liver releases glucagon (a sort of
anti insulin) to store the extra sugar as

After 45 minutes of you dumping a 30
ounce glass into your body, all the
caffeine in the soda is absorbed in to
your body. As a result the pupils dilate
and blood pressure rises. The brain also
produces dopamine, activating the
pleasure centers, like cheap cocaine.
Like an addiction, you start craving
more after an hour and you reach for
more soda or for a sugary snack. As a
result, Harvard researchers have
discovered that the risk of obesity is
increased 1.6 times by the consumption
of soft drinks.

Moreover, 40,000 adult men who
consumed soda/sugary drinks daily were
monitored for twenty years and it was
found that they ran a 20% greater risk
of a heart attack than non drinkers. The
corn syrup substitute for cane sugar in
soda has been linked to metabolic
syndrome that leads to heart disease
and diabetes.

Beverage companies know this, and
hence they spend billions each year to
convince people of all ages to sip or
guzzle while they chomp down on
pizzas, burgers, chicken; you name it!
It’s a shame because kids who become
regular soda drinkers run an 80%
higher risk of developing type 2
diabetes than non drinkers. So please,
for your own sake and for your
children’s sake, don’t drink up.

This 24 Carrot Gold Cake Is The Most Expensive-Looking Cake Ever

This gold bar is actually a cake made
out of twenty four baby carrots and
baked to perfection.

Baked by Miss Paige Russell, a creative
designer from Canada. She usually
dabbles in the bizarre or to put it
lightly, the eccentric. Once she built cat
apartments with working elevators,
today she baked a 24 carrot cake.

The cake is made with white and yellow
fondant mixed with each other. It is
decorated with red, yellow and green
food colouring for effect and wrapped
up in a series of edible gold leaf
sheets that give the impression of a
real gold bar.

This Guy Chops Onions Faster Than a Blender [VIDEO]

Feats of superhuman speed and
strength aren’t as rare as we’d think
because there are countless examples
throughout history of people performing
stunts that seem unreal like Houdini,
Bruce Lee or the Great Gama. Here’s
one that doesn’t quite live up to its
predecessors but is incredible just the

This man who is reportedly an Indian,
murders onions faster than any blender
or any human you’ve ever seen. His
technique is simple and effective, chop
chop chop, turn, chop chop chop turn.

This Man Hasn’t Watered This Sealed Bottle For 54 Years and It’s Still Living

David Latimer planted this beauty in
1960 and it’s still living it large (within
it’s own ecosystem). For 54 years since
that fateful Easter Sunday, this 80-year-
old man has kept this lush micro-forest
alive and well in, what would be
scientifically termed as, a closed

He was a young man when Latimer
began this lifelong project. He began
by putting some compost and a quarter
pint of water in a 10 gallon glass
carboy and inserted a spider wort
sprout through some wires.
He sealed the system and except for once in 1972
to add some water, he has never
opened it. All that gets in is sunlight.

The system effectively acts as a self
sufficient organism. The bacteria in the
compost break down the dead plants
and break down the oxygen given off
by the plants, turning it in to carbon
dioxide that the living plants need to
survive. The little garden is an example
of how the earth functions without
anything but sunlight from the outside
“The forest eats itself and lives
forever.” -The Poisonwood Bible

Man Has Night Vision Injected Into His Eyeballs, Thanks To Biohackers

Night vision is something that we can
all agree is cool. The prowling cats of
the wild use it to hunt prey, special
service groups use it to bring down bad
guys and batman uses it to bring down
the joker. But now it maybe accessible
to everybody.

Science for the masses, an organisation
dedicated to the propagation of
science to the general public, has
conducted an experiment whereby they
injected one of their members,
researcher Gabriel Licina, with chlorine
e6, a chemical compound.

Gabriel Licina had 50 microliters of
blackish solution dropped in to his eyes
by a pipette. His eyes were first
flushed clean and propped open with a
speculum (no blinking) and then his
biohacking began.

Gabriel Licina was tested two hours
after the operation and he could
identify objects as large as hands 10
metres away in darkness. In time he
was able to recognize words and
numbers and objects moving against
different backgrounds.

At most he could
recognize objects 50 metres away!
When he was asked to point out
people hidden infront of trees and
shrubs, he pointed at them with a laser
pointer and got it right every time.

Eli Thompson, The Beautiful Baby Without A Nose

Eli Thompson was born on March 4th to
Brandi McGlathery and it was
immediately discovered that he had no
He didn’t have any breathing
problems and began breathing through
his mouth. Even so he had a
tracheotomy to assist with his
breathing and since then, according to
his mother, he has been a much
happier baby.

The operation however, did leave him
unable to make noise when he cries so
his mother will have to keep a constant
eye on him.

Eli’s condition is called congenital
arhinia and is extremely rare. It only
affects 1 out of a 197 million babies. It
has been reported 43 times since it’s
discovery in 1931.
It has been known
to cause breathing problems but there
have been cases where babies have
made it to adulthood.

Eli’s parents Brandi McGlathery and
Troy have consulted with various people
who have gone through the same
ordeal and lactation experts on how to
feed little Eli and have decided that
until he grows up to decide whether he
wants a nose they aren’t going to
touch him. Brandi says “he’s perfect the
way he is.”

Photographer Shoots Angry Lion Photo Moments Before It Charged At Him To Attack

Atif Saeed is a Pakistani photographer
who is a nature enthusiast. Well his
enthusiasm took him to terrifyingly new
territory recently when he
photographed a Lion at Lahore Safari
Park, and the Lion pounced!

This Chameleon, Frog and Parrot Are Two Painted Women

Johannes Stötter is a body paint artist
who has created a bit of a stir with his
creative art pieces. He paints women to
look like animals. His technique takes
time, about half a day, but he comes
out with brilliant designs that construct
life like illusions.