Wednesday, 29 April 2015

How To Clean Rusted Iron At Home

You must have a rusted iron at home
since you did not use it for a year or
so. However, somehow you needed it
now for ironing a piece of cloth but if
you are a clean freak, you could not
endure the rusty iron being pressed
against your precious clothes. Today,
we are going to tell you how to clean
your rusted iron in about 5 to 10
minutes using a simple home remedy.

This is what a rusted iron looks like.
Your iron may be dirtier or rusty than
this. Don’t worry this method will make
your iron brand new again.

Take a paper towel and dab it in
vinegar. Then rub the towel against the
iron and you will notice that the crud is
coming off. This method is great for
semi-dirty iron.

You will need an extra power of baking
soda to clean an iron which has more

Sprinkle baking soda on the paper
towel and iron it. As you iron the paper
towel, the rust and crud will come off
making the iron brand new again.
The baking soda may get stuck in the
holes. You can remove the baking soda
by putting the iron on steam setting.

The steam will get the baking soda out
of the holes, turn off the steam setting,
clean the iron and steam again. Repeat
the process until all the baking soda
has come out. You can also you tooth
pick to clean the holes which still has
some baking soda stuck in them.

Here you go. You have cleaned out your
iron and made it brand new in a few
minutes and no useless expenses were
required. Try out this method and tell
us how did it go for you?

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