Wednesday, 29 April 2015

This Is What One Drink Of Soda Does To Your Body

The world’s leading manufacturers of
soft drinks, Pepsi and Coca Cola are
among the biggest companies in the
world and it’s because the world
consumes millions of liters of ‘pop’ a
day. In the US, a person drinks 57
gallons of soft drinks a year. Now that
sounds like an addiction. And like any
addiction it’s bad for you. So let me
break it down for you.

As soon as you guzzle soda down, the
pancreas releases insulin (a hormone)
to digest the excessive sugar in the
soda and release it in to the
bloodstream. When sugar levels spike,
your liver releases glucagon (a sort of
anti insulin) to store the extra sugar as

After 45 minutes of you dumping a 30
ounce glass into your body, all the
caffeine in the soda is absorbed in to
your body. As a result the pupils dilate
and blood pressure rises. The brain also
produces dopamine, activating the
pleasure centers, like cheap cocaine.
Like an addiction, you start craving
more after an hour and you reach for
more soda or for a sugary snack. As a
result, Harvard researchers have
discovered that the risk of obesity is
increased 1.6 times by the consumption
of soft drinks.

Moreover, 40,000 adult men who
consumed soda/sugary drinks daily were
monitored for twenty years and it was
found that they ran a 20% greater risk
of a heart attack than non drinkers. The
corn syrup substitute for cane sugar in
soda has been linked to metabolic
syndrome that leads to heart disease
and diabetes.

Beverage companies know this, and
hence they spend billions each year to
convince people of all ages to sip or
guzzle while they chomp down on
pizzas, burgers, chicken; you name it!
It’s a shame because kids who become
regular soda drinkers run an 80%
higher risk of developing type 2
diabetes than non drinkers. So please,
for your own sake and for your
children’s sake, don’t drink up.

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