Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Workout program

Most of today's bodybuilders, and indeed
athletes in general, know that protein is an
important nutritional component.
However, what many fail to realize is to
achieve to ones physical goals, protein is
required in greater amounts than previously
many quarters it is still thought that 70-80
grams per day is acceptable. This has been
proven to be erroneous. Protein is a
chemical compound essential to many of
our biological processes - most notably for
bodybuilders, the building of muscle. Protein
synthesis (the converting of amino acids to
proteins to repair and rebuild) can only
sufficiently occur if an adequate amount of
protein is consumed.

Given bodybuilders subject their muscles to
greater stresses than the average person, it
follows their diets should be comprised of a
higher percentage of protein. A good starting
point (one that has been know in
bodybuilding circle-numbers for some time)
is one gram of protein per pound of
bodyweight. More is better in my experience.
Many take in almost double this amount.
Eating plenty of protein is probably the
second most important variable, after
training intensity, when it comes to building
size. Foods rich in protein include eggs
(which contain the highest biological value
of any food protein), milk, chicken and red
meat . One should make an effort to
consume 30-40 grams of protein 5-7 times
per day. One reason for not gaining
sufficient size, is a lack of protein, and this
can often be attributed to the inconvenience
associated with correct meal timing and
planning: supplements will help in this

A good whey protein supplement (shown to
be the most effective) will supply around 30
grams of protein if mixed with milk. This can
be prepared and consumed in an instant.
Indeed, the importance of protein can not be
overstated. A typical days eating

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